Please select the myLTSA service that corresponds best to your needs. Download the factsheet comparing the features of the two myLTSA services - myLTSA Enterprise and myLTSA Explorer.
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- Ideal for legal professionals, government and other business customers to access the full suite of LTSA?s electronic services. Multi-user account to transact daily or weekly with LTSA
- Search for titles and all types of documents and plans
- Submit applications to the Land Title Office or Surveyor General Division
- Search LOTR and file transparency declarations, transparency reports, and applications to the LOTA Administrator
- Access eStrataHub to order strata documents
- Pay using a pre-paid deposit account ($250 initial deposit; $2.00 discounted service charge per transaction)
- Download the factsheet describing the features of myLTSA Enterprise
- Ideal for single-user customers who order up to 40 registered titles, State of Title certificates, documents or plans annually (Note: historical titles are not available for order using myLTSA Explorer)
- Search by Parcel Identifier (PID), title number or access ParcelMap BC Search
- Search LOTR and file applications to the LOTA Administrator (e.g. Application to Omit, Application to Correct, or a Notice to the Administrator)
- Pay as you go via credit card to transact immediately; Visa or Mastercard accepted, with a $3.30 service charge per transaction plus applicable fees
- Download the factsheet describing the features of myLTSA Explorer